
David Hertz

Co-founder and President - Gastromotiva

David is a visionary and pioneer who uses his best skills to promote food-related social projects. He is a chef and social entrepreneur, has a creative mind and also loves to connect people and build bridges that can transform society to be more equitable.

He co-founded Gastromotiva, a non-profit organization based in three countries that empowers through vocational training in cooking, nutrition education and sustainable food to socially vulnerable communities such as youth from low-income families, immigrants and women who they have been left behind.

One of the most important projects in which he is currently involved is the Social Gastronomy Movement. He is one of the minds and hearts that co-directs and fosters collaborations and access between socially committed chefs and social entrepreneurs with other sectors of society. This movement, which begins as a community, aims to scale local best practices to transform millions of people who have been left behind in our society.

At the same time, he encourages and involves everyone in the food chain, such as the hospitality market, governments and industry, to be more inclusive and socially responsible to ensure the sustainability of our food and health systems.


Day 3
November 25, 2021
9:55 am

Session 5: Transformation of Eating Habits and Gastronomy - Keynote Speaker

25 November
Time:  9:55 am - 10:15 am
Location:  Virtual
Speaker:  David Hertz

Session 5: Transformation of Eating Habits and Gastronomy - Keynote Speaker

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