
Fernando Peirano

President - Agencia I+D+I de Argentina

Economist specialized in innovation and development, with an emphasis on public policy and technological change.

He has a degree in Economics (UBA, 1999, magna cum laude) and a graduate of Colegio Nacional Buenos Aires (UBA, 1993). Postgraduate studies in Innovation Management and Policies (Complutense University of Madrid, 2002) and in Development of Latin America (Summer School, Cepal, 2006).

Undersecretary of Policies in Science, Technology and Productive Innovation (MINCyT, period Dec2011-Dec2015). Responsible for the design and implementation of the Innovative Argentina Plan 2020, among other actions and results.

Researcher (DEyA-UNQ) and regular undergraduate and graduate professor (FCE-UBA, DEyA UNQ) Visiting professor in master’s degrees at UNGS, UNTREF and UPF-Argentina.

Consultant in Economy, Industry and Innovation. Projects for ECLAC, IDB, IPEA, RICYT, UNESCO, OEI, INTAL, Procisur, among others), experiences on one or several Latin American countries (Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Colombia, Cuba, Peru, Panama, Ecuador, Mexico, Paraguay, Uruguay). Design and implementation of triple impact evaluation methodology for technology-based companies.


Día 2
November 24, 2021
9:00 am


24 November
Time:  9:00 am - 10:20 am
Location:  Virtual


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