
Nicola Gryczka

Co-founder - Social Gastronomy Movement

Nicola Gryczka is a co-founder and currently leading the Social Gastronomy Movement (SGM). The Social Gastronomy Movement cultivates connections, collaborations and partnerships that strengthen our individual and collective capacity to co-create an equitable future, inclusive society and healthy planet. SGM advocates for positive changes in local food systems so that together we move towards global progress creating a new ecosystem for change.

She sits on the board of social organizations such as Catalyst 2030 and IFSS, while actively coaching young women and social entrepreneurs around the world.

Her passion lies at the crossroads of grass root activism and policy making towards systems change, especially in fields of food, agriculture and education, at the intersection with technology and innovation.


Día 2
November 24, 2021
9:00 am


24 November
Time:  9:00 am - 10:20 am
Location:  Virtual


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